Beyond the Natural tour

Along with mentalism, Raimo has learned extreme mind and body control. In addition to extreme cold exposure stunts, Raimo has learned fakirism. Raimon Kahlemieli in performances Raimo e.g. eats iron nails and a light bulb, walks barefoot on broken glass and pierces his hand with needles. Mentalist Jose Ahonen published his second book Beyond the Natural in spring 2023. In order to show the theme of the book in practice, Jose will go on a tour around Finland in the fall. The topics of the tour are "Telepathy, spiritualism, energies, spirits, mediums, clairvoyance, remote viewing and many other esoteric phenomena come true in a unique evening with mentalist Jose Ahones. Or is it all tricks, magic and psychology? A fun, exciting and guaranteed thought-provoking evening where we peek behind the veil of the spirit world led by a master of psychological illusions." Every night of the tour is opened by Raimo Kahlemieli with performances where the mind crosses the boundaries of the body. Below are the cities of the tour:

12.10. Karjaa, TryckeriTeatern Buy tickets

25.10. Huittinen, Risto Ryti -sali Buy tickets

26.10. Porvoo, Kulttuuritalo Grand Buy tickets

1.11. Raahe, Raahesali Buy tickets

2.11. Kajaani, Kaukametsä Buy tickets

8.11. Vantaa, Kulttuuritalo Martinus Buy tickets

15.11. Salo, Teatteri Provinssi Buy tickets

16.11. Oulu, Pohjankartanon sali Buy tickets

22.11. Imatra, Kulttuuritalo Virta Buy tickets

27.11. Espoo, Louhisali Buy tickets

28.11. Tampere-talo (pieni sali) Buy tickets

30.11. Järvenpää-talo Buy tickets

14.12. Pori, Kehräämö Buy tickets